Blog sale

Friday, October 28, 2011

I'm so tireeeed! Everything's been quite hectic on college so I haven't been able to invoice everyone yet!
but there's only a couple of people left! I'll get to you, I promise!
In the meanwhile...a few of the Luduranas have arrived! \o/ now I'm waiting for Hits (probably next week) and the second batch of Luduranas, since 3 are backordered.

again, thank you for the patience! I am thinking of a way to thank you properly ;)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hi ya'll! everything's been ordered, I've been counting everything and you will receive an invoice by the end of this week, for the cost of polishes only! I'm working with distributors to estimate shipping costs :D
Next week I'll go hunting down the ones you ordered extra, like Hits Glitter Forte and Sancion Angels :)



Thursday, October 20, 2011


they've been ordered today and i'll know about the hits ones tomorrow, but i think they are in as well!! hopefully by christmas everyone will be wearing holos lol

i'm without internet connection on my pc today, so i'll start invoicing everyone by the weekend! thanks for the patience, as always!

quick update

Hi there :) I was told we will be able to order this week or next. I'm so sorry it's taking so long!
also, if you want to contact me about anything, please do so by sending me an email on
I'll be checking MUA only to wrap up my pending swaps, and I plan on abandoning the other nb as well. I don't feel safe posting on those places anymore so I'm just gonna lay low.
thank you again for your patience!



Wednesday, October 12, 2011

hey girls! just wanted to let you know that I'll invoice everyone as soon as I get confirmation of the order! we're still working on it because apparently Ludurana wasn't prepared enough, due to expensive pigments and stuff...
thank you everyone for your patience!



ps: can you please keep your eyes out for ChG Spellbound for me? :) I lost one last week on a blogsale and I'm devastated...I've been checking ebay, muablogsales, polishsale and maccosmetics but no luck yet. thank you again!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hey girls! Is it okay if I invoice you this week? My father is hesitant because the total order is VERY expensive and now my mother says I'll ruin the whole family if I do this wrong ;___;' (Seriously...I am ordering close to 50 bottles of Zeus alone!)
let me know, okay?
thanks for the patience!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hi there! So, I just finished counting everything and OH MY you guys want A LOT of polishes! I'm overwhelmed with how much this will all cost :o

Just wanted to let you know that I'll do my best to order them tomorrow! :)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

hey girls! I had a few problems with my internet connection this weekend, but now the form is officially closed! I'm going to be counting everything to order most likely until the middle of this week...
I heard that there's an online shop selling the Hits collection for $10 each and reasonable shipping...
I really need to know if anyone else is dropping off the group buy, so I don't get stuck with all those polishes :)
please comment here if you want hard feelings! ;)
otherwise I'll just assume you still want them, okay?