Blog sale

Monday, November 28, 2011

I am a tool. 15 weeks???? I'm pretty sure I meant 15 days instead!
I have one solution and would like to know what you all think. for those in the US, I can ship all the Hits now, and the Luduranas later.
for those outside US, the same, or you can wait a bit more, since there aren't many distributors out there.

I have already shipped two or three orders that required separate shipping, and were Hits only orders.

If you decide I should ship all Hits now, I can probably do it by the end of the week. let me know!

(anyone knows how can I post a poll here? lol)


  1. whew, this is a relief! Thanks for clarifying! <3

  2. I can totally wait for my order, no problemo. I'm in no hurry! :)

  3. I am in US. I want to avoid extra shipping cost. If that means wait for the Ludurana, then I am willing to wait another few more weeks.

    I have enough to play with right now. Of course, still dream about my HITS and Luduranas.

  4. I can wait. <3 Whatever is convenient. I'm a Hits only order, but do whatever is easiest, by all means.

    LaurynT87 (Lauryn)

  5. I can wait! I'm glad it's 15 DAYS not weeks ;)

  6. I'm Hits only but if it makes it easier on you to wait then wait. If it's easier to clear some of those boxes out then ship away! Honestly I'm just grateful that you're doing all this!

  7. I can wait too!!
    I don't know I read 15 days anyway so no problem ^^

  8. Hi Mah,

    If you could send out the Hits please that would be great. I'll wait for the Ludurana.

    Cheers, Erina

  9. I can wait as well, it seems like more of a hassle for you and more of cost to everyone to ship twice - once with hits only and another time with luduranas and other things after.

  10. I can wait, thanks for asking

  11. Hi there -- I know I am very late! Please do ship my Hits; I didn't order any Luduranas. Or whatever works. Duffi

  12. I'd love to get the Hits shipped, pretty please~

  13. I would like to order Hits too send me an email to: mistakenplbybnny (at) msn (dot) com describing the details & what I need to do on my part.

    ~Karina XoXo
